Join us for our New Year Devotional for 2025

David is the Old Testament's supremely attractive, yet enormously flawed, hero. At his best, he simply radiates goodness. At his worst, David supplies us with the Bible's soberest warnings about the life-altering consequences of sin among those who have walked nearest the Lord. Yet even in his darkest moments, David shows us how God makes great saints out of guilty sinners, through repentance and grace.

As you read along with us in 2 Samuel, may you, like David, learn to call God "mine," your rock through every season of life.

Join us for our Christmas Advent Devotional!

Throughout the Old Testament, God made many promises to his people about how he intended to overcome sin, evil, and death in his world through a very special king from the line of David. In the "Royal Psalms," we see God's people longing for a Messiah, a promised king, who would fulfill these promises. At Christmas, the hopes and fears of all the years were met in the person of Jesus Christ, who came to change the world forever.

Join us this Advent as we celebrate our Merry Messiah's first coming at Christmas and long for his second coming when he returns!

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